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Talk to U3A on Drones

Another interesting talk was given on Friday 5th April to the U3A at Hamersley. Included a drone demo flight and giving them a few images (No charge). Slight possibility some small jobs may flow from this as a few members came up to me afterwards seeking info/costs.

Out on the oval




Another aircraft valuation down south

Great drive south from Perth for about two hours. Looking at a Cessna 182Q for a potential eastern states buyer. Great country folk on site looked after me.

It’s cool in the shade

Not far from the aircraft

University of the Third Age (U3A) chat given “What is an aircraft” 24th August 2018

Stirling Leisure Centres – Hamersley, 20 Belvedere Rd, Hamersley WA 6022, Australia

The U3A is the University of the third age. https://u3auwa.org/

Another interested audience of senior folk (I estimate there were about 70 there, mixed male/female) Some even younger than me). Had a lot of interesting questions ranging from “How do they fly?” to “Are you sure it’s not an extinct insect?”

Might get invited back next year for a chat on all things drones can do.